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So far we’ve had 175 contributions, 134 new subscribers and 907 visitors, this is a good start and we’ve had some really valuable feedback, so thank you again to all those who have contributed. The data collected from the engagement, will help to inform the new Management Objectives for the Ancient Woodland Management Plan.

Here is an example of common themes cropping up:

Question: What do you like about our ancient woodland?

Answers in the format of word cloud:

As school holidays draw to a close, we’re hoping to engage with more young people throughout September, so please do encourage any youngsters you know to engage - they are the future. To Share, you can now use the link: https://haringeyancientwoodland.commonplace.is/

Visitors to the three ancient woodlands can also engage by scanning the QR code found on the recently installed signboards within the fenced conservation areas, which direct users to this site.

Look out for our next update on Monitoring and Fixed Point Photography!

Each quarter, through a citizen science approach the Friends of each woodland will take ‘Fixed Point Photography’.

Posted on 17th August 2023

by Annabel Foskett and Cassandra Li